Structural Racism in Practice

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Magali Bessone is Professor for Philosophy at Sorbonne University, Paris.

Her research focuses on contemporary theories of justice in relation to critical theories of race and racism. For many years her work has been devoted to developing a philosophical perspective on anti-racism, anti-discrimination, and the responsibility for colonialism and slavery. She is the author of numerous books in French on these topics, including a book for the general public: Magali Bessone (2018) Les races, ça existe ou pas ?, Paris, Gallimard, collection “Philophile”.

One of her most recent publications in English is an article entitled: Magali Bessone (2021) Race and Europe. Does a European philosophy of race mean anything ? », in Europe and Philosophy, D. Meacham et N. de Warren (eds.), Routledge, p. 310-322.

César Cabezas is Assistant Professor of Philosophy at Temple University in Philadelphia. César did his PhD at Columbia on the notion of structural racism, in which he argues that the concept of structural racism is vital to anti-racist theory and practice because it helps us explain the durability of racial inequality and to ultimately challenge it.

His current work is primarily focussed on the philosophy of race, social philosophy, and Latin American Thought – addressing core questions related to the concept of racism. One of his most recent articles is: César Cabezas (2021) “Racism: a Moral or Explanatory Concept?”, in: Ethical Theory and Moral Practice volume 24, pages 651–659

Our next public and in-person event will be on May 13th, 2022 a debate between Nancy Fraser, Klaus Dörre and Raul Zelik on the question: “How green is socialism?”.

On May 30 we will host a public roundtable with Nancy Fraser, Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor, Manuela Bojadzijev und Bafta Sarbo on racial capitalism – stay tuned for details coming up on our website:

Nancy Fraser’s Benjamin Lectures have the title: “Three Faces of Capitalist Labor: Uncovering the Hidden Ties among Gender, Race and Class”, three consecutive lectures that will take place from 14th to 16th of June 2022.

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